Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Some 1st Class Art Work

Dress Up Day

We all had a chance to choose our favourite character from a book to dress up as last week. This was as part of World Book Day.

What fantastic costumes came into school that day. Well Done everyone!

Bread Making

Ms. Keane's class enjoyed making bread after learning all about the process of bread making.

We all took home some delicious loaves of bread to share with our families.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

GAA Players of the Week!

Second class started GAA with Willie from Bray Emmets this week. Willie is a fantastic coach and we were so excited to start. GAA is about more than just football and hurling skills - it's also about leadership skills,  friendship and most importantly,  having fun!  We had great fun at our first session and here are this this week's ' players of the week '!