Thursday, 21 January 2016

Maths 4 Fun

Maths for Fun started this week in 1st class and we had a great time playing some new and fun games.
Who said Maths can't be fun?
Thank you to all our parents and grandparents who volunteered their time.
We can't wait for next week!!!

Friday, 15 January 2016

Fit as Fiddles!!!

Ms O'Brien's class have been dusting off the Christmas cobwebs with some 'Operation Transformation' style fun!!! We've been stretching, jumping, running, balancing, hopping and bopping in P.E. We feel great after our workout and have lots of fun together too. Check out our pictures below and why not try them out at home!

Brrrrrr.....Emperor Penguin Projects

First class are learning all about Antarctica this month and we are really enjoying our project work.
We have turned part of our classroom into Antarctica and we have written postcards, learned about the Emperor Penguin, read books, written Cinquain poetry and completed Projects about the Emperor Penguin. You can see these projects outside our classroom.

Here we are working as a "Team" on our projects.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Full marks!

Well done to all those boys and girls in Ms. Keane's Class who had full marks in their Friday Spelling Tests this week. Keep it up!!!