Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Do Re Mi...

Miss Keane's class have enjoyed singing along to the DO, RE, MI song from the Sound of Music.
The video is attached so that you can sing along at home .

Monday, 29 September 2014


Ms. Keane's class have been learning all about their teeth this week and how to keep them healthy. We learned that our baby teeth or milk teeth start to fall out when we are about 6 or 7 years old and that our permanent teeth come next. We learned that some food and drink are very good for our teeth and some foods are not so good. We will all try our best to eat healthy foods and will try to remember to brush our teeth after every meal.
Have a look at our teamwork projects...

Sunday, 28 September 2014


In Ms O'Brien's class we have been learning about capital letters. We worked in pairs to match these letters and put them in alphabetical order. Ms O'Brien couldn't believe how quickly we did it!

Have a go at this game to practice how to use capital letters! http://roythezebra.com/reading-games/capital-letter-beginner-1.html

Monday, 22 September 2014

Froganna Beaga Glasa

First Class have been learning lots of Irish poems since starting back in school. 
Here is our latest poem- Froganna Beaga Glasa

GAA training started last week for Ms. Keane's 1st class. 
We have training every Tuesday for the next few weeks and really enjoyed our first session with Willie from Bray Emmets. We are learning lots of skills including; passing, catching, soloing, kicking and how to be good team players. We can't wait until our next session.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Artists at work!

This week in History we learned about the legend of 'Fionn and the Dragon'. Fionn was an Irish warrior who became the leader of the Fianna after saving the King and his people from an evil dragon. We created a picture story by painting scenes from the legend. 

The 'Meerkat Group' painting the dragon arriving at Tara.

The boys from the 'Crocodile Group' paint Fionn slaying the dragon.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

1st Class Teamwork!

This week in Ms O'Brien's class we have been teaching each other sounds and words. In small groups we worked as a team to discover new words. Everyone did a great job!
