Thursday, 8 May 2014

Art at home - making robots!

First class art at home project this month is to create a robot from waste material! Lewis and Jerry completed their robots using boxes and tin foil. Great job boys!

Friday, 2 May 2014

May is the month of Mary

This week in school, we have been preparing for the month of May. May is the month of Mary so we have been talking about Jesus' Mother and preparing our May altar.

In history class we have been learning about transport through the ages 1900-2014. We looked at steam engines, Henry Ford's Model T car and the Wright brothers first flight, which only lasted 12 seconds. We brought in pictures from newspapers or the internet to compile a transport collage. Iris brought a fabulous picture of her Grandad's vintage car.

We were also learning about the different parts of the flower in science and the job each part of the flower does. We planted lettuce and baby carrot seeds in our class box in our beautiful school garden. We are hoping to each have a lettuce to bring home by the end of June.