Sunday, 30 March 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the first class mums - we really hope you liked your special mother's day gifts and cards that we made for you!

Jam jar lanterns made using pva glue, layers of tissue paper, pretty sequins and of course - Glitter!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Music Generation

Every Wednesday, first class participate in an hour's music lesson with Eamon Sweeney. It is amazing how good we are getting at song singing, rhythm and even reading music. We are starting to write music also as we know a lot of the notes already. We are very lucky to have such an experienced music teacher to work with us every week.

It's all about water!

Ms. Condren's class are having great fun in maths this week - the topic is capacity so it's been a wet time! We are learning about litre measurements and experimenting with lots of different containers. We are also getting quite good at estimating! We are guessing how many egg cups will fill a litre jug, how many glasses it takes to fill a basin and much more! We are linking our water theme to our work on lighthouses in geography. Did you know that there are over a hundred lighthouses in Ireland? We looked at Hook Head lighthouse in particular and learned lots of interesting facts about it. You should check out our lighthouse pastel pictures that we created in art class! We are quite a talented bunch of artists. Check out the corridor outside our classroom for our pictures - we may even post a few of the best ones on our blog tomorrow! Watch this space!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Soccer Club

Soccer Club is on every Monday after school. We learn how to pass the ball to other players and how to shoot at the goal. We practise dribbling the ball around cones. We have fun races every week. At the end of the lesson we play a match which is great fun. We are getting loads of exercise and having great fun every week.


Swimming is well under way in First Class this term. The children all seem to be loving their lessons. Already we can see everyone making great progress. Keep up the great work everyone!

Tristan's favourite part is Play Time at the end of the lesson. He says "We get footballs and we throw them to each other".

Adam says "We learning to put his heads under the water and to kick our legs. We make splashes with our feet".

Nerissa thinks that she is she getting better at swimming every week. She can now hold onto a board and swim the whole width of the pool.

Jodie and Charley were really proud of themselves when their group was taken to the big pool with their swimming teacher this week.

Patryk, Arpit & Jayden love when their teacher lets them jump into the pool.

Robyn & Lana love being in the group down in the deep end of the pool. They both love jumping into the pool and trying to touch the bottom.